Global Missions

God is passionate about advancing His glory to all the peoples and nations of the world.

We should be too.


“God’s end goal in the world is that his glory would be known and enjoyed among all the nations. This reality is evident from cover to cover in the Bible, from the creation of man and woman in God’s image to the consummation of God’s kingdom in a multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language worshiping him for the salvation and satisfaction found in him (Genesis 1:26–28; Revelation 7:9–17). If this is the end goal of God — the spread of his glory among all the nations — then this should be the end goal of every Christian in whom the Spirit of God dwells. Global mission is apparently not a program in the church for a select few who are called in a special way. Global mission is the purpose for which we all have breath. Every Christian lives and dies for the spread of God’s glory among all the nations.” - David Platt

Flowing out of this conviction, BGC’s vision for global missions is to advance God’s glory among the unreached, meaning people groups who have little to no access to the gospel message. We each want to play our part in advancing God’s global glory by increasingly becoming global Christians who are locally reaching the nations among us. At the same time, we want to reach the unreached globally by growing as a sending church that sends its own people into the harvest field abroad.  

We believe that this is a vision worth living and even dying for; as missionary Robert Savage said,

“We can rest assured that no one will ever enter heaven saying, ‘I wish I had done less for the nations.’”


For more information about our global missions vision, any of the short-term mission trips, or about other ways to be involved in missions through BGC, please see us at the Guest Connections table downstairs each Sunday!