Love for God
Love for Others
Love for the World
Our Vision
It's been said that vision is a belief in what could be and a conviction that it should be. Vision is what a group of people wants to see, what it wants to experience. At BGC, we want to see the fame of Jesus spread as we increasingly love God, love one another, and love our neighbors, our city and the nations. In other words, we want to be those who enjoy the gospel, in gospel community, on gospel mission.
Enjoying the Gospel…
Gospel enjoyment means that we don’t just know the facts of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection; we cherish this good news. As individuals and as a body we want to behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, resting and rejoicing in the perfect work of our Savior (2 Cor. 4:6).
… IN
Gospel Community…
Gospel community reminds us that discipleship involves relationship. When God saved us, he adopted us into his family, and he calls us to walk together in a manner worthy of the gospel (Eph. 1:5; 4:1).
… ON
Gospel Mission
Gospel mission teaches us that there is work to be accomplished. Jesus died for us, that we might no longer live for ourselves but for him who for our sake died and rose again (2 Cor. 5:15). With this one life we have to live, we want to be diligent disciples who make disciples in our neighborhoods, our city and among the nations, for the fame of Jesus.
Our Mission
A mission is a strategic, focused effort to attain a vision. Christians spend their lives on mission for something much greater than themselves – the glory of Jesus Christ. According to Christ’s command, our mission is to make disciples by reaching people with the gospel, building them up in the gospel, and releasing them with the gospel.
In the same way that someone extended him or herself to tell us about Jesus, we want to be those who reach out to others with the gospel. Developing one-on-one relationships, hosting parties in our homes, or joining together as a Missional Community to serve someone in our neighborhood are just some of the ways we want to reach out to our community with the love of Jesus. We want to individually and collectively serve practical and spiritual needs in the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:29-31).
We trust that as we reach out to those around us, we’ll find those whom God is drawing to himself. As we faithfully share the gospel, some will believe and be saved. From there we each need to do our part to build them up, teaching and equipping them with the truths of Scripture in order that they might mature in their faith (Eph. 4:15-16).
A crucial part of discipling others is teaching them to go and make disciples themselves. Epaphras heard and believed the gospel from Paul and then took it back to his hometown where he led others to Christ (Col. 1:5-8). Once someone comes to faith we must help them to discern the gifts, time and talents God has given to them. With these in mind, we release those we disciple to lead others to Christ.
We’d love for you to be a part of the vision and mission that God has called us to!
To learn more about who we are and what we believe read our church constitution:
How did this church get started?
Brandywine Grace Church was planted in September of 2009 by Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, PA. The core of our church planting team was primarily made up of people who lived in the Downingtown area and had been praying for a church plant for years. We first met in the DAC building (now the S.T.E.M. Academy) on Manor Ave. Then, in July of 2010 we moved to the Regal Cinema on Quarry Rd. in Downingtown.
Fast forward to April, 2013. Through God’s kindness and the sacrificial giving of BGC partners and friends, we were able to purchase the building we now meet in on Pennsylvania Ave in Downingtown. Our part in God’s story of redemption is still unfolding. For his name and renown, we pray that he will use us to faithfully proclaim and live the gospel in the city of Downingtown and beyond.